Data security

We build security into our product to ensure your most valuable asset—your data—is protected. We contract with third-party security professionals to conduct annual security assessments. Our internal security includes third-party assessments by an external security firm and quarterly administrative access audits. Our multi-layer data access permissions enable partner security and include policy and process reviews.

For more information, please reach out to

Operations Management

We have implemented policies and procedures designed to ensure that your data is secure and backed up to multiple physical locations. Our team is continually evaluating new security threats and implementing updated countermeasures designed to prevent unauthorized access to or unplanned downtime of the Subscription Service. Access to all Json Sheet production systems and data is limited to authorized members of the Json SheetTechnical Operations team.

For more information, please reach out to

Data Center Security & Redundancy

We work with top-tier hosting partners to ensure you can confidently deliver services to your organization on a platform you can trust. We have multi-site data redundancy, hosted in AWS facilities. Monitoring includes biometric scanning protocols, continuous monitoring and 24 X 7 production environment management.

For more information, please reach out to

If you need more information about our security practices, discover a security issue with our products, or suspect or suspect that your Json Sheet account has been compromised, please contact us at